Wednesday, June 13, 2012

"Fear NOT for I am with you!"

Ok so take a minute and think about this...What is you neighborhood like? Paved roads, nice yards, is it safe for you and/or your kids to go outside? Do you hear gun shots, have there been 4 people murdered in the last 3 months? If you have children, do they have 3 meals a day or what about just one? 

There is a neighborhood here in Alajuelita called Tejarcillos and it is one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in the area. About 3 or 4 moths ago God opened a door for us to start a feeding center in this  area. We were told that it's very dangerous and that people normally don't go in if they don't live there. This didn't stop us :-)  It had been something that we as a ministry had been praying for for a while, that God would open new doors and send us into new neighborhoods where we could do ministry. There's a dirt road that leads into the neighborhood, and we go all the way into the back to set up our feeding station. The houses are put together with pieces of scrap sheets of tin, scrap wood and pretty much anything they can find to shelter their families. 

"Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand." Isaiah 41:10

I will be completely honest, the first week I was super nervous and a little scared. We didn't take anything with us, no bags, purses, or even phones. Just staff and the food that was prepared...But this past weekend was a little different, eye opening and most definitely heart breaking! When we got to the area where we set up the feeding station I went with Steve, Pastor Miguel and Jill to walk around the "bario" (neighborhood) to invite children and families to the feeding center. One of the things I love to do is mingle with the kids and moms to try and find out a little of their story. I also love to see the smiles on their faces when they see us. It always makes me light up inside and know that they are grateful for the blessing God is giving them, knowing that sometimes this meal that we serve them can be the only meal they get for the day. God has definitely started a great movement in this neighborhood and I am excited to see where He leads us in the future. 

Inviting Children and families
We average between 50-60 kids...sometimes up to 80! 
wooden pallets are built over running sewage
 to make up the walkway  

One of the houses, barely held together


  1. Dear LainyLoo, Surely, while you are working with your families you must be thinking,they are "fearfully and wonderfully made". What you do is a unique expression of God's love. Keep doing what you do best there and we will pray for you and all of your needs. I'm working on your package which will come in a few days.
    Blessings and love,
    Aunt Bev

    1. Thank you so much Aunt Bev! And you're so right, each and every one of them are "fearfully and wonderfully made". They are all so grateful when we come to visit them, and the smiles on their faces always brighten's my day! I MISS you and LOVE you LOTS!!! Give Uncle Bob, Connor, Momo and everyone a BIG hug for me!!
      Love yoU!
