About 8 months ago I was sitting in my apartment here in Costa Rica, and I remember this night so vividly. It was probably about 7 or 8 o'clock and I received a phone call from Pastor Miguel, his voice was a little shaky, and he continued to tell me that earlier that day his wife Karina's 12 year old cousin was hit by a microbus. She was in the hospital and was in a coma and the doctors had given her 48 hours and they were going to disconnect everything. He asked if I would get everyone together and start praying for her. My first thought was, 'can we go to the hospital and pray for her?' He said he was going to call me back if we could go. So around 10 0'clock my phone rang again, he said that if we wanted to go that he would take us, well of course we wanted to! So I Called Chaz to tell her and JD and went next door and got Brant, and Gel. He had to make 2 trips to get us all to the hospital...it didn't matter though because we ALL wanted to be there!
Once we were all at the hospital Pastor Miguel asked if we could go in to pray for Mariana. The guard told him that only one person was allowed in, since her mom was with us she was the one that went in to see her daughter. This did NOT stop us!!! We didn't have to be inside with her to pray for her, so we all got together in the ER parking lot and started praying, and man was it powerful!!! We all felt God's presence and knew that He has plans for this precious little girl. We were out there for a few hours praying, reading His word and sharing. BIG things happened that night, and when her mom came out she told us that her vital signs were going up! AMEN, PRAISE GOD!!! So we went home that evening, continuing to pray for her over the next few days.
Two days passed, the initial 48 hours, and it was a Monday. I talked with Pastor Miguel and he said that the doctors were going to give her 2 more days because her vitals were still rising....Many people were praying for this precious little girl!...Those days also passed and the doctors said that they were going to give her more time. They said she was going to be in the hospital for at least 6 months, and that she wouldn't ever be able to walk, and might not even be able to talk because of extensive brain damage. Well we all know that doctors don't have the last say. God's plans are BIGGER, He is our ultimate healer and only He knows what's going to happen.

Let's all remember that when we have a rough day or two! And will you all keep Mariana and her family in your prayers, for continued healing and that God continues to provide financially for their needs.
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