Friday, August 12, 2011

Wow, so I can’t believe I’ve been here in Costa Rica for a month now…boy has time just flown by and it has been and amazing first month. God totally has His hand in everything, and me moving here has opened my eyes to so much…Back tracking a little; the week leading up to me leaving felt like it was just handed to me by God. I felt like it was so smooth, spending time with close friends, family and getting on the plane with such a peace that I knew God needed me in Costa Rica at this specific time! But don’t get me wrong, it was super hard to leave my family and friends. Once I got here the smiles on everyone’s faces gave me a sense of peace and comfort, reaffirming that this is where God needs me right now.
We are nearing the end of “peak season” with 6:8 Ministries and have been super busy. There have been many homes built, children loved on, and lives touched in and through the teams and staff here. My eyes have truly been opened to the importance that everyone here has a different “role” and we all have to work together so we can function properly as a whole, as the body of Christ. We are all part of the body of Christ; we all have been given different gifts, talents, and personalities, with each one together we are an important part of His kingdom. We are a WHOLE, and when one part suffers, the entire body is affected. Together as one body we need to support, encourage and love one another in all that we say and do not just focusing on one.

“But now God has placed the members, each one of them, in the body, just as He desired…And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it. Now you are Christ’s body, and individually members of it.” 1 Corinthians 12:18, 26-27

There was a team here from Discovery Bible Fellowship in Oklahoma that put this into a clear prospective for me. This was a team of about 25, mostly high school students and adults. One of their main goals for the week they were here was to build a house. On day one, they were taken to the site where they met Pablo and saw where they were going to build, it was a challenge. There were many obstacles that tried to get in the way and the enemy was trying hard to slow their progress. There were 3 huge bolders that had to be moved, concrete was mixed and inside the house, the slab was laid while putting up panels at the same time, and in poured down rain for a good 2 days…but I as I watched this team push through with God’s strength and awesome team work they didn’t let anything get in the way. Their laughter, teamwork and smiles just radiated God’s light in and through them and at the end of their week here Pablo’s house was built.  
As ONE body of Christ we are here to work together, follow in His footsteps, submit to His will for our lives and it is through this that His will shall be done. We all have God given gifts that He wants us to use for the Kingdom, but it is our choice to take the initiative and do so. I am super excited to see what God continues to do in and through us here in Costa Rica.  

“He has shown all you people what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”
Micah 6:8